Mindblown: Happy Confident Kids Blog
Christmas Glimmers
Over the weekend I got absorbed in social media; pictures of amazing Christmas parties, family outings and incredible elf on the shelf creations. It’s so easy to get wrapped up […]
Making the Impossible Possible
Yesterday was Walt Disney Day and a great reminder to keep dreaming big; let our minds feel free and imagine. Walt Disney had a creative thinking strategy he used with […]
Self Care Tool – I Heart Me
I Heart Me is a lovely coaching tool that we teach our coaches and one they then use to help children and young people to take time to love themselves. […]
1-2-1 Kids Coaching Feedback
“Really simple but effective tools and discussions to help myself and my daughter navigate some complex emotions. Amazed the difference it has made in just a few sessions”
Helping Children and Young People with Distressing War News
There are currently 32 ongoing conflicts in the world, recently news coverage of the conflict in Ukraine and now Israel and Gaza have been graphic, immediate and relentless. Images and […]
Much less angry than before our first session
“Thanks for the session, x was so much happier on Friday. They really enjoyed the sand activity and we’ve looked at his jar a few times since and talked about the colours of the emotions, how they are all mixed up inside him/us but that talking about them helps us understand ourselves better. It’s an…
Helping to control frustration and access calm
“My son visited Laura to help gain strategies to help him when he became frustrated and she was great. He loved the sessions and didn’t want them to stop. He came away with lovely strategies that he still uses and has allowed him to learn how to control his frustration and calm himself. Thank you…
Power Pose for Kids
In this video we talk about what confidence is and how the way we present our bodies can help us to look and feel confident – fake it until we […]
Ginger Says Relax Colouring Sheet
A little something for the half-term holidays inspired by a sketch that coach Laura did recently. Nothing beats how a hug feels. Please download, colour and share you can tag […]
School Well-Being Workshop in London
“Our Y6 pupils loved working with coach Rosie on a number of different self esteem activities; they were totally y engaged by her methods and ideas Their spirits were lifted during the hours they spent taking part in the session and we are excited to work with Happy Confident Kids again soon!”
Be More Matilda
Every month we run coaching clinics to support all our wonderful coaches. During our session we were chatting about power poses and coach Sally was talking about how her young […]
Be a Happy Confident Kids Coach
Here goes everyone we are super excited to launch our new dates for training to become one of our amazing Happy Confident Kids coaches. Dates for our next intake for Happy […]
Become an In the Wild Leader
Your passion for nature, life experience and qualifications coupled with our training & ongoing support, through our membership, will enable you to become an In the Wild leader; where you […]
What is neurodiversity?
Neurodiversity refers to the natural diversity of human minds. It is a biological fact that we are diverse in our minds, just like we are in ethnicity, gender and sexuality; […]
Emotional Outburst Workshop
Coach Luke recently shared with us a workshop he did with one of his young clients; to build confidence, explore emotions and help deal with angry outbursts. “I love working […]
Finding Light in the Dark
I am sharing this story because I want to share how lightness (glimmers) pulled me out from a very dark place and teaching this to children/young people is such an […]
Children and Glimmers
Our recent post what’s a glimmer? got one of our coaches Lucia thinking about children and glimmers so we wanted to share some wise words from her… Glimmers are so […]
Hold on to the Glimmers
Life isn’t always how it seems – Coach Laura gives us an insight into the “perfect holiday” they had last year. Perfect Instagram photos of a perfect holiday, weekend or […]
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