Mindblown: Happy Confident Kids Blog
Mindful Breathing to Access calm
We recently did a Confidence Masterclass at West Coventry Academy in Coventry, with the amazing Carl Baker, ex PRO footballer. It was amazing to see the kids responses. In the […]
Children’s mental health: why is it declining?
There is an increase in children and young people with mental health issues. Why is this… (and what’s the solution?) “Our bodies are designed to move and be in nature” […]
In the Wild Workshop Feedback
This feedback has given us all the feels… Last year we ran five weeks of In the Wild Sessions for two groups of 20 learners, mainly with SEN at Alderbrook […]
Top tip to help kids feel good
Yesterday I was transported straight into my childhood. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Happy Confident Kids (@happyconfidentkids) It’s amazing how good feelings can be triggered instantly […]
If you want to help kids mental health
Christmas Day I had one extra huge glimmer and that was seeing all my family, PLAY together. One of my sisters organised some fun games and I got out the @happyconfidentkids massive […]
Head Outside Award Winner 2024
Head Outside Awards recently announced some amazing news… Announcing the Winner of the 2024 Head Outside Awards Changemaker Category: Happy Confident Kids! We are delighted to announce that Happy Confident […]
Amy Truesdale
🌱it’s an honour to be working with Amy Truesdale GB Athlete and she is our latest Happy Confident Kids Sports Coach. Paralympic Champion 2024🥇🇫🇷Paralympic Games 2020🥉🇯🇵3 x Para Word Champion 🥇🥇🥇 Amy […]
Making Lavender Bags
This is one of the kids favourite activities during our in the wild well-being nature sessions, so we thought we would share how to do it. Making Lavender Bags, you […]
Kenilworth School Careers Day
What a lovely morning packed with glimmers… I remembering opening my curtains to snow and just jumping out of bed to start the day. We were invited to be part […]
Try this at home to help kids feel less anxious
76% of young people spend their spare time on screens, with 51% of those reporting high or very high levels of anxiety. Did you know…our bodies are designed to be […]
If your child needs a little extra help to access calm
After my sessions I’m making more friends, I’m more happy and I’m more confident.
How to seek out the light and let it shine really bright
When times feel darker, seek out the light. Hone in on it and let it shine really bright. Look for tiny moments of joy (glimmers)✨ Glimmers are the good stuff […]
Top tip to help kids to be kind
🌱 This random act of kindness is giving all the feels this morning. It was spotted in Coventry Memorial Park this weekend. Just seeing this filled my heart with joy. […]
If your kids don’t want to go outside, ask them this..
Do you know why its good to go outside? 🌱 The reason that being outside feels so good and does amazing things to our mind and bodies is… We are […]
If you want to help kids to step into confidence…
Show them how it feels, our kids coaching tools teach kids how to step into confidence. To do this we show them how it feel in their bodies. Zack George is […]
If you want to have a positive mindset
Focus on the tiny moments of joy in everyday, these are called glimmers. Here at @happyconfidentkids we help people to seek out glimmers. Our brains are trained to look for danger which […]
What would happen if we truly believed this of kids?
Behind every behaviour there is a positive intention. What do you think? What if we were to truly believe that kids have some positive intention in what they say and […]
If a child feels safe they then feel calm
When a child feels safe their mind and bodies are rested; not on high alert ready to fight a threat. When we feel attacked our bodies are designed to fight […]
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