Hello there we are Happy Confident Kids Ltd and thanks for stopping by.
We are on a mission to help more children develop skills for life, to be both confident and resilient and connect them with nature. We have bold ambitions and we want to make real change.
The Happy Confident Kids coaching tools have been in practice helping children since 2017 and in March 2023 we took the step to setup Happy Confident Kids Ltd to buy and then further develop the tools.

Our Directors
Happy Confident Kids is headed up by our Directors Laura Dumbleton-Jones and Miranda de Freston who both have a passion for improving children’s well-being and enabling more children to connect to nature.
Laura is our Head Coach
Alongside our other members she provides both 1-2-1 coaching and workshops for children. She’s passionate about children’s well-being, an inspirational trainer and speaker. You can read more about Laura in her coach Profile.

Miranda gets things done
She is passionate about well-being and having seen the transformational change to one of her own children hugely inspired to get more children access to the transformational tools we teach. She has a huge variety of experience in growing & promoting businesses as well as delivering complicated projects and developing teams, but above all else she has a passion for nature and vision to get more children & young people learning in and connecting with nature. She wants to make generational change. She is also one of our “In the Wild” Leaders.

Both Laura and Miranda live in Kenilworth, Warwickshire with their respective partners and two young children.
To find our who we help and how click here.