Well-Being Workshops

Our well-being workshops can be delivered to a whole class, in an assembly, for a group and tailored to fit into your own timetables; they can be delivered as one offs or a series of workshops through a term – just like our clients they are unqiue.

We can also do workshops for staff, parents and groups.

Our highly qualified coaches teach easy-to-use techniques that can be used for a life in a inspirational, interactive and fun way.

The Benefits of our Workshops

Participants will learn cognitive and emotional skills to deal with their life experiences. These skills, once learnt, will last throughout their lifetime. They are simple straightforward skills to maintain good mental health.

Ofsted has incorporated the impact that school life and the curriculum has on pupils’ mental health when it developed its 2018 framework; mental health provision is now a compulsory part of the national curriculum.

We have delivered a wide range of workshops including workshops focusing on confidence, inner coach, transitioning, exam preparation (and results) and we can tailor them to your individual needs please say hello@happyconfidentkids.com to find out more.

“The sessions have been brilliant as they are very interactive and engaging, it’s a good way for children of this age to process complex issues in an uncomplicated way.”
— Teacher, High Meadow Community School

Examples of our Workshops

  • School Well-Being Workshop in London

    School Well-Being Workshop in London

    “Our Y6 pupils loved working with coach Rosie on a number of different self esteem activities; they were totally y engaged by her methods and ideas Their spirits were lifted during the hours they spent taking part in the session and we are excited to work with Happy Confident Kids again soon!”

  • Happy Confident Kids’ strategies are powerful, with immediate positive impact.

    Happy Confident Kids’ strategies are powerful, with immediate positive impact.

    “The feedback from these students has been overwhelmingly positive. The Happy Confident Kids’ strategies are powerful, with immediate positive impact. As a result of the intervention, we have seen non-attenders return to school and students return to mainstream lessons. The increase in students’ confidence is palpable.”

  • Working with Castle Nursery & Pre School – Kenilworth

    Working with Castle Nursery & Pre School – Kenilworth

    We loved working with Castle Nursery and Pre-School and it was so great to do workshops with the staff, parents and children so that we can spread the Happy Confident […]