Meltdown Workshop Feedback

Recent feedback from a family who did our online meltdown workshop, giving us all the feels. Both mum, dad and then grandparents did the workshop.

“The take home messages we got as a family were huge…

My partner started to come on board with naming the emotions and realising ‘monkey see monkey do’. It helped us both just stop and think a bit before speaking.

My partner liked the more science background to behaviour and felt it was less ‘airy fairy’. 🧠

When we watched your video and discussed the naming of the emotions/helping our son to feel safe and express why he felt like he did. Not to shout or escalate it with more anger as it was just getting everyone upset and more angry.

We’ve noticed a marked difference in my son’s response to us, he settles quicker, he tells us more how we can help and with the right wording he can often decide the best solution. He has been apologising to his brother, asking for time away when he’s too much and explaining before he gets cross. His room has now become more a sanctuary than a punishment.

A lot of the reasons these techniques have been working. Even if slow and not all the time are due to how the description wasn’t patronising or telling you how you aren’t parenting well or negative or trying to make it out that there were simple solutions. It made sense, my partner saw results when he tried bits and it felt less wishy washing then the positive parenting stuff he didn’t like….

Understanding our expectations our children has also helped. I think I wasn’t realising they were more aware and needed answers to questions about feelings and that when I got upset and cried …this helped as he was sad to see me sad and he realised he didn’t want that. I previously felt I couldn’t show weakness or be upset; I felt I was failing.

After watching we were able to work as a team on the same page finally.

My only feedback is I would love to watch it again 😊”

Literally all the feels reading this. We developed our Online Meltdown Workshop for meltdown and anger to help even more families. To make our support even more accessible. So this makes us so so happy 😃

Follow link to find out more or message us, we would love to help.

Online workshop for parents and carers.






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