Mindblown: Happy Confident Kids Blog

  • Managing Expectations at Christmas

    Managing Expectations at Christmas

    Children can often struggle with managing their emotions when expectations and routines change. Seeing past their behaviour to consider the reasons behind it will allow deeper insight and understanding, opening the doors of communication to build stronger emotional intelligence.

  • How to manage your own anxiety and ways to avoid causing anxiety in your children

    How to manage your own anxiety and ways to avoid causing anxiety in your children

    We live in a fast-paced, ‘instant’ culture, where we are pretty much always connected to a vast amount of information. This, alongside the current challenges society presents, like COVID-19, and the economic squeeze affects many of us in one way or another.

  • What to do when your child starts lying to you.

    What to do when your child starts lying to you.

    Probably the biggest driver behind telling untruths is shame. Not to be confused with embarrassment, which is a societal response to perceived wrongdoing; guilt, a negative response about an act […]

  • Importance of art, imagination and creativity for Kids

    Importance of art, imagination and creativity for Kids

    Creativity reduces anxiety, depression, and stress and boosts happiness, focus and motivation. Using your imagination and expression whilst having fun, boosts the happy hormones in your mind and body. It […]

  • How to encourage a healthy, positive relationship and reduce conflict among siblings

    How to encourage a healthy, positive relationship and reduce conflict among siblings

    As children, I’m sure whatever type of relationship we had with our siblings, we can remember clashing, arguing and fighting from time to time. Conflict is a natural part of […]

  • How to help your child deal with their ‘frenemy’

    How to help your child deal with their ‘frenemy’

    As parents, I’m sure most of us have or will encounter this challenge, especially as our children get a little older and their friendship groups develop.Although dealing with tricky relationships is part of life, when you’re a child, these can seem unfathomable, hurtful and confusing. Left unchecked and unchallenged, toxic relationships are emotionally damaging.

  • What causes anxiety in children?

    What causes anxiety in children?

    More people suffer from anxiety today than did during the Great Depression and after the recent global pandemic, this number is increasing exponentially. Children, younger in age than ever before, are experiencing not the normal worries that you would expect, but anxiety that is health or social-based.By looking at some of the factors that contribute…

  • Ideas to keep children happy and entertained this summer

    Ideas to keep children happy and entertained this summer

    The school summer holiday is a crucial time for children to recharge their batteries, but while it’s the time kids generally look forward to the most in the school calendar, it can also prove challenging for parents, who often neglect their own self-care. It is often tricky to juggle work priorities and childcare, especially when…

  • Parent testimonial for 1-2-1 coaching

    “I went to see Laura about my XX-year-old daughter, who was suffering terribly with anxiety and stress. I was in a desperate situation; I had no idea whether Laura’s approach would work, but in just two sessions, she was able to turn my daughter around. Working with Laura has helped my daughter to think and…

  • Is your child’s time online impacting their mental health?

    Is your child’s time online impacting their mental health?

    In our latest blog we address ways in which we can be aware of the dangers the internet, and how to protect our children from the risks online activity. We also take a look at the impact this has on the mental health and wellbeing of our children.

  • Help your child confidently transition to senior school

    Help your child confidently transition to senior school

    If you currently have a child in Year 6 then you’ll already be thinking about the transition from junior to senior school, which naturally brings up a mixture of emotions, […]

  • Our top tips on how to help your child feel more confident – post Covid-19.

    Our top tips on how to help your child feel more confident – post Covid-19.

    As we start to emerge from an alternative way of living from the last 14-months and look to return to a new normal, anxieties about returning to ‘life’ and socialising in our post-Covid-19 world are only natural.

  • Anxiety is Contagious

    Anxiety is Contagious

    States can be very contagious, infectious even – have you ever noticed a cute little baby smiling and giggling? What is your response? To smile back. Smiling is contagious, laughing is contagious. When looking at states in this way, as contagions it seems to be all positive smiles.

  • School’s back – Hooray! NOT😞

    School’s back – Hooray! NOT😞

    There will be a lot of children who will have liked being at home during the global pandemic. They may feel more acknowledged or supported or more comfortable in their own environment.Supporting children through this transition period is vital in being able to help them come to terms with the inevitable change that is occurring.

  • The benefits of using LEGO® in play-based therapy and coaching

    The benefits of using LEGO® in play-based therapy and coaching

    Therapy through play has long been known for its benefits for children, especially those who struggle to articulate their thoughts and feelings. Using LEGO® we have created a workshop specifically for children to begin to connect and articulate their thoughts, feelings and emotions and begin to teach them that they have a choice and influence…

  • Ten things every parent needs to let go of at times of stress

    Ten things every parent needs to let go of at times of stress

    10 things every parent needs to let go of during times of stress

  • Why random acts of kindness can help us feel happier

    Why random acts of kindness can help us feel happier

    The impact of kindness on our mental health and wellbeing, through how kindness feels to us as well as how it creates positive change in brain regions, plus how kindness impacts the heart, immune system, and even aspects of the ageing process must be the most undervalued way to live a happy and content life…

  • Managing Meltdowns

    Managing Meltdowns

    Meltdowns are very different from tantrums, we will cover this next. Knowing the signs and triggers, assessing the situation, working out what you can do to lessen the meltdown and how to recover afterwards is necessary to begin the process of lessening their frequency and ferocity.

Got any suggestions or questions you’d like us to answer in our blog?