Mindful Breathing to Access calm

We recently did a Confidence Masterclass at West Coventry Academy in Coventry, with the amazing Carl Baker, ex PRO footballer. It was amazing to see the kids responses. In the session we talked alot about the benefits of mindful breathing, and this is a technique that we love.

In this video we walk you through a simple breathing exercise that you can teach to the children or young people (or that you can use yourself). It’s called finger breathing.

Finger breathing is a really simple and very effective tool to help calm the system down and also, it helps with fight or flight response and how to switch this off.

You could use this video to teach your family or in a classroom or you can learn the technique and then teach it to yourself.

Let us know how you get on and leave a comment with suggestions for other techniques you’d like us to share in a future.






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