Creative Activity to Create Conversation – Folded Cupcake Monster

Drawing together as a family can be fun and relaxing and also allow time to talk. It’s not always easy to find the time to connect with the busy lives we all tend to lead.

For any of us who’s Sundays are a little quieter this Folded Cupcake Monster is a great activity and with a little help for younger ones is accessible for all ages.

When colouring the monster cupcake together we found it was a good way to talk about feelings, including the fact that sometimes we might look happy on the outside but feel cross inside and it’s good to talk about and express these feelings so they don’t explode out.

Folded Monster Cup Cake

Please share and tag us in your creations @happyconfidentkids.

Related reading: The importance of art, imagination and creativity

We would also love to hear about other ways you get creative as a family.






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