Supporting your Child Through Exams

We’re thinking of all the children sitting exams, SATs, this week in the UK.

As parents there are things we can do to support our children through, what for some, may bring feelings of feeling overwhelmed or anxiety when preparing for or sitting exams.

Supporting your child through exams

⚓ Be an emotional anchor…

overall be calm and relaxed about the subject of SATs and encourage them to say positive things to themselves…

⭐Be kind to yourself.

⭐ Believe in yourself.

⭐ Talk to yourself like you would your closet friend.

⭐ Feel proud of yourself no matter the outcome.

and remind them grades don’t define who you are.

We love this SATs poem…

SATs don’t measure sports,

SATs don’t measure art,

SATs don’t measure music,

Or the kindness in your heart.

SATs don’t see your beauty,

SATs don’t know your worth,

SATs don’t see the reasons

You were put upon this earth.

SATs don’t see your magic,

How you make others smile,

SATs don’t time how quickly you can run a mile.

SATs don’t hear your laughter,

Or see you’ve come this far,

SATs are just a tiny glimpse of who you really are.

So sitting at your table,

With a pencil and your test,

Remember SATs aren’t who you are

Remember you’re the best.

Please share to anyone who might need this.

If you or your child need extra support with exams please contact us, our coaches have a great track record in support lots of children (and parents): 






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