I just collected my youngest daughter from school, Friday’s can be tough after a long week at school.
Like many kids she is very focussed at school and gives it her all and then finds coming home tricky as she needs to release, she is also often dehydrated.
We had a great walk/run home and it was a joy, then when we got home I had something to show her. I had made her a veggie patch. She didn’t like hers and preferred her sister’s, so she bolted and ran off.
I didn’t know if she had run off down the street and couldn’t find her anywhere. It’s not easy to find a small child that’s wants to hide. Eventually I found her, hiding and was flooded with relief as I had looked literally everywhere for her.
As soon as I found her she cried and said she was sorry, she had felt silly she told me. This was big for us…
1) she cried and released her anger and
2) she told me how she was feeling.
I helped her to feel safe and thanked her for being sorry and explained she could speak to me rather than running off which would be better for both of us.
Sometimes the wins come at the strangest times so I’m sitting here soaking in that moment. The words she said and the feelings she expressed were a big step for her.
Parenting is very rewarding and challenging, take as many moments as you can to celebrate the wins however small. You’ve got this – Miranda x ✨
I’m sharing this story as all the Happy Confident Kids tools we use really help in these challenging moments, so we can keep ourselves grounded and then really hear and listen to what our kids are saying; which is better for our own and our kids mental health. We talk about all this in our parents METLDOWN AND ANGER workshop.

Online workshop for parents and carers.

Transformational tools to help kids.

Online family workshop.
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