Inspirational workshops that connect children and young people to their bodies while teaching them life skills.
Our Movement Coaches are trained to deliver well-being techniques that enable children and young people to connect with their bodies.
“Our movement program all started with us walking barefoot in the park with Movement Practitioner Emily Doe. It combines our tried and tested tools and science backed studies from Movement Schools Program, to help kids understand their bodies and how they can challenge them to move in new and interesting ways and embrace a love of movement.”
Miranda – Happy Confident Kids Director

During our Movement Workshops we teach learners our five week road map, that can then be delivered in schools and clubs. This can also be tailored for one off sessions. The sessions cover themes of:

Feet First
This session teaches and challenges kids about their feet and the benefits of being barefoot. The session is a unique and impactive experience.

Body Listening
Our bodies constantly talk to us, teaching kids how it communicates and why is a key element of improving mental and physical well-being.

Natural Movement
This session inspires kids to move their bodies in new ways.

Challenging our bodies to balance is a fantastic skill that benefits not only the body but also has the power to activate new pathways within the brain.

Move More
Teaching kids of the power of confidence and ending in a bare foot trail.

Mindful Breathing
Each of the sessions demonstrate fun and unique ways to breathe mindfully helping kids to regulate their emotions and build body awareness.
“I’ve been teaching the importance of movement to grown-ups and kids since 2010. To be able to combine our Movement principles with Happy Confidence Kids tools has been amazing. I’ve seen first hand the difference these tools can make to kids and their families. Come join us to help kids to find out more about their bodies and challenge them to move in fun and interesting ways.”
Emily Doe – Movement Trainer

To find out more about our In the Movement Workshops and how they work please say