Are you looking to transform the lives of children & young people? Do you want an amazing support network where you will be trained and have support to win new work?
Our Happy Confident Kids members like the children and young people we support are all different, with varied backgrounds and qualifications – they all have one common goal to help improve children’s wellbeing. As a Happy Confident Kids member you can earn different accreditations (think of them like Hey Duggee badge’s) to enable you to hone your craft and the services you want to offer – we are ever evolving, building and developing our tools and offering for both our young clients and our coaches.

Teaching transformational skills for life.
Our awesome coaches are highly skilled Master NLP Practitioners and our tools utilise NLP technique’s to deliver fun and transformation change for our young clients.

Become an In the Wild Leader.
Do you want to work outside more, deliver inspirational workshops in a new way, that will connect children and young people to nature while teaching them life skills?

Become a Happy Confident Kids Movement Coach
Do you love working with kids, embrace being barefoot, passionate about movement and want to teach kids skills for life?

Become a Happy Confident Kids Sports Coach
Do you want to develop transformational coaching skills to improve how you communicate with children and young people; leading to increased retention, confidence and performance of students?
Say hello to Luke

Luke proudly wears his Confident Coach and In the Wild Leader badges; he provides 1-2-1 coaching sessions, has rolled out a number of workshops to groups and is a teen mentor. He also loves to be in nature.
“In less than twelve months I’ve made lots of changes in my life to put me on an amazing new path.
Our workshops help children and young people to explore and challenge who they are, what they feel, how they communicate with the world around them, and to listen to their minds and bodies.
These new life skills have had a huge impact on me and my family, and I’m so inspired to offer them to young people, and create amazing new opportunities for them!“
Come and say to find out more about our amazing team and how you can be part of our mission to transform the lives of children and young people.